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How can sustainable entrepreneurship be lived radically as a solo-entrepreneur?

How can sustainable entrepreneurship be lived radically as a solo-entrepreneur?

Merle Becker

Much of the available literature about sustainable business models predominantly addresses large corporations, prompting me to question the adaptability of these models for solo-entrepreneurs and freelancers. I wanted to find an answer to the question: How does sustainable entrepreneurship apply to solo entrepreneurs?

In the 21st century, humanity faces tremendous challenges. The climate catastrophe, a huge loss of biodiversity, increasing inequality, and weakening democracies are just a few of them. To find solutions, it takes all of us, especially businesses. A sustainable future requires, in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations, a combination of social, ecological, and economic sustainability. Entrepreneurs thus have a responsibility to actively shape the future, aiming not only for profit maximization. While large corporations increasingly hop on the sustainability bandwagon (whether for marketing reasons or genuinely value-based), and there is abundant literature on the topic, little is known about the sustainability efforts of freelancers. This is intriguing because the number of individuals working as solo entrepreneurs, engaged in gig-based work, is rising worldwide and is likely to continue increasing. In the USA, for instance, 35% of all workers were freelancers in 2017, while in the EU, the figure stood at 16.1% – with an upward trend. At the same time, it is presumably more challenging for individuals reliant on gigs to consistently pursue sustainability goals and incorporate them into their business models with limited capacities. I therefore want to find answers to the question:

How can sustainable entrepreneurship be lived radically as a solo-entrepreneur?

Curious about how sustainability and self-leadership are perceived among freelancers, I conducted a survey targeting purpose-driven self-employed individuals, with 24 participants contributing to the study.

Initially, I presented the participants with various statements to which they could agree or disagree on a scale of 1 to 5. The results indicate that all participants believe they work autonomously and according to their values. However, the tide turns when it comes to questions more related to the realm of self-leadership. When it concerns time for oneself, for friends and family, and for personal health, fewer participants completely agree, with some even stating that they definitely do not have enough time for their individual level. Nevertheless, a large majority believe they manage themselves and their time well, and that they already adequately live the realm of self-leadership.

For me, this means that I can learn from the survey participants. Therefore, I asked them some open-ended questions. I will like to summarize them briefly.

The Structure

Initially, my curiosity was piqued regarding the strategies my colleagues employ to organize their work schedules, recognizing that effective planning is essential for ensuring adequate time and resources for the individual level. The responses revealed an interesting divergence between participants juggling caregiving responsibilities alongside their self-employment and those enjoying more flexibility. Some acknowledged the difficulty of adhering to rigid schedules due to childcare responsibilities, necessitating the prioritization of personal affairs, resulting in adjustments to work commitments. Another interesting answer came from someone who travels frequently. This person allocates buffer days before and after trips for preparation and recuperation.

Notably, all participants emphasized the utility of simple organizational tools such as to-do lists and calendars. Additionally, remarks surrounding part-time versus full-time work emerged, underscoring mental models regarding traditional notions of work hours. One respondent emphasized the sanctity of weekends, eschewing email checks during this time.


Furthermore, I was interested how my colleagues deal with clients and partners who demand constant availability. In many responses, it was clearly stated that the individuals consistently do not work with people who demand constant availability from them. So, the boundaries seem to be clearly set in this regard. However, exceptions are made for important clients. Again, the issue of children and family emerges as significant. Participants with caregiving responsibilities appear to draw stricter boundaries.

Autonomous work also presupposes not feeling driven by clients or partners. However, it is probably not entirely preventable. I wanted to know from the survey participants how they deal with this. Many participants write that they simply do not allow themselves to be driven, but rather clearly communicate their boundaries from the outset. Other participants, in line with the theory mentioned earlier in this work, write about inner work. They first take a pause or acknowledges their own feelings and accept them, whenever they feel driven by a client or partner. In the next step, they communicate their boundaries clearly. Methods mentioned for this inner work include therefore: direct communication, breaks, yoga, meditation, mindfulness, exercise, good nutrition, adequate sleep, out-of-office times (not reading emails after work hours). All tips clearly aim to integrate body, heart, and mind and to get back into the flow.

But once more, a notable observation emerges: there exists a substantial contrast between self-employed individuals who also shoulder responsibilities for children and family and those who do not have caregiving duties. Participants repeatedly write unsolicitedly that the biggest challenge is organizing around childcare times and desired or needed time with the family.

Technological Support

The respondents employ a variety of technological tools to optimize their resource utilization sustainably. Interestingly, artificial intelligence remains peripheral in this context. Mentioned software tools include traditional calendar tools, CRM and financial software, tax programs, Mural and Miro, Trello, social media post scheduling tools, and Canva. Video conferencing tools such as Zoom or Teams are also cited, alongside Excel for task organization. Calendly is frequently utilized for scheduling, and Zapier acts as an interface between different softwares. Additionally, Apple’s Focus Mode, which restricts calls to designated numbers such as a kindergarten’s, is recommended. One participant mentions using a break app that prompts a 5-minute screen shutdown every 50 minutes.

AI primarily functions as a text error detector or brainstorming tool via chat GPT, or supports design work. However, several tools integrating AI were noted (e.g., Canva, ClickUp, Zoom, etc.).

In principle, less seems to be more for the target audience. There is little “playing around” with new tools, and the programs are used very lean and targeted. This also indicates that sustainable use of one’s own resources means seeking technical assistance while also not allowing oneself to be dominated by it.


It is also interesting to learn about what the self-employed did at the beginning of their business ventures and are now consciously avoiding. A recurring point is that too many projects and client inquiries were accepted, and constant availability was attempted. Fees were set too low to acquire as many customers as possible, and projects were accepted that did not actually suit the self-employed or did not motivate them. It appears that their own boundaries were not clearly accepted, and ambition became too great. Over time, the participants seem to have learned to better listen to themselves and to focus more on the individual and team levels.

The survey participants also wrote recommendations for new self-employed individuals. Several times, it is emphasized how important it is to know and communicate one’s own desires, needs, and boundaries from the beginning. Furthermore, it is recommended to stay calm, have a good financial plan, and generally adopt a simpler approach rather than overthinking one’s offerings. Additionally, having good and stable networks is repeatedly mentioned, as well as taking sufficient breaks (“Working healthily” and “Slow down to speed up!”). Mental models should also be dissolved according to the participants: “Do I have to work 50 hours per week? For what? Do I have to work 5 days (or more) per week?”

One quote summarizes this well: “Take breaks! Your most important resource is yourself, so invest in yourself, go to the gym, learn to meditate. Or whatever suits you.”


While the participants generally feel autonomous and aligned with their values, challenges arise in areas such as time management and boundary-setting, especially concerning personal and family needs. Most participants are still learning to align the needs of their body, mind, and heart. Strategies employed include clear communication of boundaries, engaging in inner work to acknowledge and address feelings, movement, and utilizing technological tools for sustainable resource management. Notably, the importance of prioritizing individual and team well-being over excessive ambition and constant availability is underscored. Lessons for newcomers emphasize the significance of networks, self-awareness, simplicity in approach, financial planning, and the cultivation of supportive networks.

Ultimately, prioritizing self-care and respecting personal boundaries emerge as essential practices for sustainable and fulfilling self-employment. Moreover, there seems to be a big difference in organization and structure of the job between self-employed with care-responsibility and those who are without:

“I only realized the importance of networks late. I completely overworked myself until I had children and thus gained a different priority in life.”

Unlearning Mental Models for effective Transformation

Unlearning Mental Models for effective Transformation

Merle Becker

In my last blog post, I argued that we need Radical Responsibility instead of the Triple Bottom Line. Now, I want to delve deeper into what the concept of „Radical Responsibility“ actually means. For this, I’ll take a look at the concept of Self-Leadership and demonstrate why we need to unlearn existing mental models.

We must take radical responsibility for transforming our way of living and working. Everything we have learned based on the life and work environment of the 20th century, we must unlearn and transform ourselves, our thoughts, and our actions. To address the global challenges and solve the multiple problems we face today, it requires individuals capable of overcoming cultural, linguistic, and organizational barriers, bridging divides, and integrating diverse perspectives. These individuals can reconcile and balance different needs, serving as bridge builders for interpersonal connections. They can merge and connect the individual strengths of diverse people, fostering a kind of overarching cosmopolitan identity.

Radical responsibility means taking responsibility for one’s own thoughts, actions, emotions, and decisions – and not blaming own behaviour to the system we live in. This entails assuming responsibility for one’s role in the world – not just in the immediate environment, but truly in the global context. Everything is interconnected, and we all have an influence on – and thus a responsibility for – global events.

Vanessa Hagerbaumer writes: Radical responsibility is the foundational practice of a well-lived life, and the first step toward personal freedom.” (Hagerbaumer 2022). And Celinne Da Costa adds on that: When you take radical responsibility, you control when and how you access happiness. You pick your own path and get what you want.” (Da Costa 2020).  

Initially, both authors only refer to individual happiness, but this also influences other levels and thus has a direct impact on the organizational level and the global level. Individual radical responsibility thus also influences the actions of the company and ensures that the concept of the TBL is more than just a marketing tool. And the actions of the company, in turn, influence other companies, other sectors of the economy, and ultimately have global ramifications.

Particularly crucial is the individual responsibility for leadership figures. The passion of leaders is contagious and will resonate throughout the rest of the company: Individual Social Responsibility is the foundation of a purpose-driven organization that assumes Social Responsibility. It is the prerequisite for an organization’s transformation to continue to be successful in the 21st century.” (Köster 2021a: 3).


This responsibility requires a great deal of clarity, honesty, awareness, and self-leadership. Marco Furtner describes self-leadership as a process of targeted self-influence aimed at enhancing personal performance. While leadership is based on influencing other people, self-leadership aims to influence one’s own cognitive processes. Individuals with high self-leadership skills are highly aware of both themselves and their environment. I would like to supplement this definition by emphasizing that it is not only about enhancing one’s own performance but also about increasing personal impact.

To truly implement and embody this type of leadership, we must rid ourselves of all that holds us back in old patterns of behaviour. This requires harmoniously integrating intellect, body, emotion, and consciousness. Self-leadership involves being aware of one’s various abilities on all levels (mentally, emotionally, and physically). It entails fully harnessing these abilities by reducing obstacles and adjusting circumstances – taking radical responsibility .

Therefore, leaders are tasked with questioning their beliefs and self-reflecting on whether their own purpose and individual mission align with that of the company. In the form of self-leadership, leaders can learn to purposefully influence their own thoughts, emotions, and behaviors (in the form of “Inner Work”). This is also evident in the literature surrounding the “New Work” concept, as exemplified by works such as “New Work needs inner Work” (Breidenbach 2019). Studies indicate that this has a positive impact on personal performance. These are topics not typically taught at most business schools, yet they are indispensable for the future’s life and work environment. 

This new approach fundamentally alters something in corporate leadership: the focus is no longer solely on the intellect, i.e., the rational mind, but also on the emotions and individual bodies of the leaders and individuals. However, unlearning mental models acquired during one’s socialization is a challenging task. And yet, simultaneously, an increasing number of leaders are realizing the urgent need for change.

Mental Models

Mental models are thoughts or opinions that stem from preconceived opinions that are generally accepted in the society we live in, and which we have adopted as our own . They are multiple beliefs on a specific topic form our mindset, which frequently determines whether we view a topic optimistically or pessimistically. Both positive and negative mental models exist. While positive beliefs empower us and prompt action, negative ones often hinder us from realizing our full potential. Previously, it was believed that changes in those mental models were only possible up to about the age of 20, but recent neuroscience findings have challenged that. For instance, it has been shown that beliefs formed in childhood are further reinforced in later life due to the brain’s filtering function, which selectively perceives everything that reinforces the belief. Beliefs act unconsciously as filters through which we perceive the world and thus govern our behaviour.

In our working world, shaped during the 20th century reason is often dominant over emotions or the body. This leads to high costs due to burnout and bore-outs, high employee turnover, and high stress levels. This reason dominance is evident in the most common mental models. The suppression of emotions is not only exhausting but indeed harmful. Emotions serve as a source of energy and efficacy. They must be acknowledged and consciously managed to unleash their effectiveness. Effective leaders have internalized this approach, aligning mind, body, and heart. They have to face their fears. With mindfulness, our mental and emotional patterns become visible. We bring them from the unconscious into consciousness, where we can deal with them purposefully. This is a process of clearing out, through which we gain clarity about ourselves.


Why we need Radical Responsibility instead of the Triple Bottom Line

Why we need Radical Responsibility instead of the Triple Bottom Line

Merle Becker

Our world is interconnected, our resources are limited, and every decision we make impacts all other areas around the globe. This is particularly evident in the business world. The 20th century was characterized by a corporate leadership ethos that prioritized profit maximization as the sole objective of all economic activities. This principle was taught in business schools and practiced in daily business operations. It was based on the idea of the Homo Economicus, who is rational and acts with the sole aim of profit maximization. However, as the planet’s finite resources started to dwindle and societal divisions intensified, an increasing number of individuals began to reconsider this approach around the turn of the millennium. The Triple Bottom Line-Approach seemed to be a good way of handling this problem. But it will not be sufficient to prevent us humans from surpassing planetary boundaries.

Therefore, the idea of “sustainable entrepreneurship” has become a part of the business world. Under this definition, one finds companies that exploit opportunities while simultaneously seeking social, environmental, and economic interests. To put it simply, the exploitation of business opportunities goes hand-in-hand with the goal of creating value that persists over time, with an overall concern for the well-being of future generations.

This approach is also referred to as the Triple Bottom Line (TBL) concept, which is increasingly being applied in the 21st century, coined by John Elkington in 1994. More and more companies are shifting their focus beyond profit alone, considering the needs of People and Planet. Ideally, sustainability is integrated into all business aspects, including supply chains, partnerships, wages, and energy usage. The aim is to generate profits while also making positive contributions to society and the environment. Entrepreneurs recognize that they can only contribute to societal good through their companies if their businesses thrive, but “Studies show that the most sustainable companies are also the most profitable” (Chladek 2019). Thus, profit remains a crucial pillar of this concept.

The Harvard Business School asserts that sustainability in business yields various advantages:

  • Firstly, it functions as a protective measure for your brand, mitigating risks by averting damaging incidents and preserving a favourable public image.
  • Secondly, the adoption of a purpose-driven approach confers a competitive edge, drawing in a motivated workforce and augmenting overall financial success.
  • Thirdly, in the face of a burgeoning market for sustainable goods, organizations dedicated to eco-friendly practices can tap into a consumer base willing to alter habits for environmental impact.
  • Lastly, collaborative endeavours among prosperous companies possess the potential to drive substantial change in addressing global challenges, exemplifying the positive environmental and business outcomes achievable through cooperative action (ct. Chladek 2019).

But, especially because of these advantages, a concept like the TBL may remain an accounting system or a marketing tool if sustainability is not fully and holistically internalized.  Sustainable entrepreneurship must form the foundation of the overall corporate strategy and be integrated into the DNA of the organization. It impacts the entire company by expanding the scope of action from purely profit-driven goals to the creation of shared benefits and values. However, this can only be achieved if the innovation process of the entire company is transformed into an open and socially-oriented search process aimed at finding efficient and sustainable solutions to the most pressing challenges facing our world. Elkington himself critiques the widespread use of TBL, stating,

TBL’s stated goal from the outset was system change — pushing toward the transformation of capitalism. It was never supposed to be just an accounting system. It was originally intended as a genetic code, a triple helix of change for tomorrow’s capitalism, with a focus on breakthrough change, disruption, asymmetric growth (with unsustainable sectors actively sidelined), and the scaling of next-generation market solutions” (Elkington 2018).

He assumes that no business models or sustainability frameworks are sufficient to prevent us humans from surpassing planetary boundaries. Instead of capitalist ideas, a rapid and radical intent is needed for this purpose: a radical responsibility.


    • Chladek, N. 2019: Why you need sustainability in your business strategy, Harvard: Harvard Business School Online, online: (Last accessed 13.02.24).
    • Köster, K. 2021a: Responsible Leadership in the 21st Century – Transforming Organizations with the Twelve Alignments, online unter: (Last accessed 13.02.24).
    • Pinna, M. 2020: Sustainable Entrepreneurship – A Systematic Review of Academic Research, Cham: Springer International Publishing.
    • Weidinger, C., Fischler, F., Schmidpeter, R. (ed.) 2014: Sustainable Entrepreneurship Business Success through Sustainability, Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer.
Unveiling the Power of Learning: Insights from Within

Unveiling the Power of Learning: Insights from Within

Merle Becker

In a world that perpetually pushes us to be in high gear, understanding effective learning strategies takes on a profound significance. In a recent podcast episode, I joined Denise Ludwig and Tomorrow University in an exploration of these methodologies, touching on essential concepts that resonate deeply. This episode serves as a treasury of insights, shedding light on our human limitations, the transformative strength of community-driven learning, and the potency of Kolb’s Learning Cycle. Let’s embark on a journey through these crucial takeaways that have the potential to reshape our learning experiences.

Embracing Our Inherent Human Nature

Amid the clamor of a fast-paced world, it’s vital to remind ourselves that we’re not machines. Recognizing this fact holds the key to sustainable productivity and avoiding the pitfalls of burnout. Learning to gauge our energy levels and understanding when to gracefully decline tasks in favor of self-care is a skill worth mastering. This understanding forms the cornerstone of a balanced work-life equation, where self-preservation ultimately fuels productivity.

Navigating Kolb’s Learning Cycle for Optimal Learning

Central to our podcast discussion is Kolb’s Learning Cycle, a framework that encapsulates the essence of effective learning. As I reflect on this model (that I use a lot when I teach at Karlshochschule International University), it becomes evident that learning is a dynamic cycle comprising experience, reflection, abstraction, and experimentation. Each stage contributes to a holistic understanding of new concepts. By immersing ourselves in this cycle, we deepen our learning experience and bolster our ability to apply newfound knowledge in practical scenarios.

The Resonance of a Learning Community

Among the valuable gems unearthed in the podcast is the concept of a learning community. An aspect I’ve come to appreciate is the Protégé effect, where the act of teaching others solidifies our own understanding of a subject. The podcast underscores the potency of collaborating within a diverse community, where unique perspectives meld to create a tapestry of insight. Learning, in this context, thrives as a communal endeavor, nourished by the collective wisdom of individuals from varied backgrounds.

Bridging the Gap: Learning Beyond Horizons

Embedded in the heart of the podcast is a resounding message: learning knows no bounds. Connecting with individuals from diverse backgrounds injects vitality into our learning journey. Engaging in dialogue, sharing experiences, and collaborating with these individuals fuels a perpetual cycle of growth and enlightenment.

In a realm where adaptability and knowledge reign supreme, this podcast episode serves as a beacon of guidance. The undercurrent here isn’t just the accumulation of knowledge, but a profound exploration of how, why, and with whom we learn. Together, we weave a narrative where the fluctuations in our energy levels merely shape the rhythm, not the melody. It’s not just about personal growth; it’s about nurturing a learning ecosystem where ideas flourish and perspectives amplify one another.

As I reflect on this enlightening conversation, it’s a gentle reminder that while I may be the one speaking, the insights are collective, the journey collaborative, and the aspirations shared. So, let’s dive in, ready to explore, learn, and redefine our understanding of what it truly means to evolve in this intricate symphony of life.

My 4 Learnings about Sustainable Leadership 

My 4 Learnings about Sustainable Leadership 

Merle Becker

Or: How to unlearn

What should leadership look like to contribute towards a positive future? Can business and sustainability coexist? I frequently ponder upon these questions. In my discussions with Naomi Ryland and Dr. Yanick Kemayou, I gained great insights.

In want to create sustainable visions for the future through facilitation, moderation and communication. After putting into words this personal mission statement at the beginning of this year, I kept wondering about the role that work and business play in creating a livable planet. This question seemed paradoxical to me, because of our current way of doing business being the root cause of the global crises we are facing, including the climate and biodiversity crisis.

I was inspired by the book „Alle Zeit“ by Teresa Bücker, which made me reflect on the topic of time in a power-hierarchical context. I also read „Starting a Revolution“ by Naomi Ryland and Lisa Jaspers, which gave me a fresh perspective on entrepreneurship in the context of diversity and sustainability.

Luckily, I had the opportunity to talk with Naomi Ryland (the founder of tbd*, author and speaker) about her views on these topics, and I also remembered a conversation I had with Dr. Yanick Kemayou last year. Yanick is the founder of the Kabakoo Academies in Mali, which have been designated as one of the „Schools of the Future“ by the World Economic Forum.

Through these experiences, I came to four important realizations:

1) If you want to bring about change, you must first un-learn.

To change the way we live and work, both adults and young people need to unlearn old ways and learn in new ways. Old habits and behaviours are deeply ingrained, and once learned, they are difficult to change.

Traditional education systems around the world, including primary education, are often characterized by competition, grades, and an „every man for himself“ mentality. According to Yanick, „we need new methods of learning to meet the challenges of the future.“ He states that the world faces two major challenges: the climate crisis and the social crisis. He is working to address these crises by changing the way we educate. The Kabakoo Academies focus on cooperation and ecosystem-based learning, where students work together and conduct research. They learn to listen, ask questions, and identify problems, using both scientific literature and local knowledge. This holistic approach to education promotes diversity and cultural understanding, and teaches students to work together rather than compete against each other.

Naomi Ryland told me that she often sees how prior experiences and learned behaviors in business shape our actions and it can be difficult to break away from that. External pressures can sometimes lead us away from our own values.

If we would not learn this power-based and exploitative way of doing business at the first start, it would save us all a lot of effort later on.

2) Effective leadership requires an absence of ego

Naomi has observed that many founders start their business to make up for something or to seek external validation and status. When these motives are part of the driving force, it can be difficult for entrepreneurship to bring about real change. Deep introspection and personal development are crucial components of social entrepreneurship, to remain steadfast in one’s values and goals, and to work as ego-free as possible.

At the Kabakoo Academies, students are not taught to dominate, not even over non-human elements of the ecosystem. They tackle problems collectively and with a holistic view of people and the environment, working together to solve a challenge they have identified themselves.

3) Prejudices hinder innovation

Yanick chose Mali as the location for the first Co-Learning Space as the Sahel region is a crucial place where many global crises are already having significant impacts. The success of the Kabakoo Academies in creating jobs and promoting cooperation in this region could have a positive impact on other parts of the African continent and around the world. Despite this and Mali being a historical center of knowledge, as evidenced by the presence of a university in Timbuktu in the 13th century with 25,000 students, African cities are not represented in the top 10 of the best start-up cities according to StartUpBlink’s 2020 list, which is dominated by American, Asian and European cities.

In „Starting a Revolution,“ Naomi Ryland and Lisa Jaspers introduce the inspiring entrepreneur UK Stephanie Shirley, who founded an IT company in the 1960s that mainly hired women and people who could not find employment in the traditional job market. The team worked remotely and was extremely successful, reaching a market value of 2.8 billion pounds and an annual turnover of more than 400 billion pounds. Stephanie did something that no one else dared to do because of prejudice. And she created a company that is considered modern today.

Therefore, to truly be innovative, it is crucial to move beyond stereotypes and clichés.

4) If we wish to secure a positive future, we must think holistically

Naomi highlights how easy it is to go from „burning for a cause“ to „burning out.“ It is essential, she believes, to be aware of one’s own limitations from the outset of one’s leadership journey. To understand these limits and ensure they are not exceeded is vital, she says: “Do not assume that you can maintain a fast pace without encountering burnout.”
Yanick holds the view that, “We all aim to establish structures that enable us to lead a comfortable life. We humans require access to education and healthcare. But this should not come at the expense of other elements of the ecosystem. If we adopt this mindset, we can apply it to the economy as well. It is non-negotiable. When you know there is no alternative, you stay focused. We must take action now, or it will be too late.”

What do I take away from this?

By speaking to Naomi and Yanick, and reading various books and articles, I came to the realization that I still have very much to unlearn. If I desire to develop alternative visions of a future with a sustainable and green way of life on this planet, I must relinquish many of the values I was raised with. We cannot persist in the belief that economic and materialistic expansion is the primary objective, or even attainable. Instead, we must adopt a mindset and actions that prioritize cooperation, a shared and circular economy, and respect.

I was raised in a schooling system founded on competitiveness, and I still sense this daily. However, my vision of a sustainable future does not align with this notion. It is vital that we learn to collaborate not only with other humans but also with the non-human components of the ecosystem. Despite my knowledge of this necessity, my ego still speaks frequently. Drawing inspiration from the two interviews, I intend to further train my ego to be still.

Thanks to my academic background and professional experience in the non-profit sector, I possess a discerning eye that can identify intersectional power dynamics and I consistently aim to communicate in an inclusive manner. Nevertheless, I am not exempt from prejudice and acknowledge that nobody can be completely free of it. My objective is to maintain vigilance and continuously ask myself: ‚Is this truly the case? Or is prejudice influencing my perspective? What if the situation were different?‘

Overcoming the obstacle of disregarding my energy levels and pressuring others to do the same will prove to be a significant challenge for me. Teresa Bücker states that a 20-hour workweek for all in Germany would promote sustainability, generate more employment opportunities, result in fewer sick days, and offer individuals more time to engage in politics and civic activities. I recognise my fondness for this concept, yet a small voice in my mind persists, reminding me that ‚I must work for a minimum of 8 hours daily.‘ Consequently, I must silence this voice.

I want to create sustainable visions for the future through facilitation, moderation and communication. By building a global community of future makers, walls are torn down and bridges are built – towards a socially just, sustainable future. But at the very beginning of this journey I need to unlearn and create space for new vision of the future.

Naomi Ryland<br />
Copyright: Thulani Hose-Simantov

Knowing that an increasing number of individuals are seeking purpose in their careers yet struggle to find it, Naomi, along with Nadia Boegli and Nicole Winchell, established tbd* in 2014. tbd* soon became Germany’s premier platform for careers imbued with significance.

Naomi was also involved in the founding of SEND e. V. in 2017. In 2019, she co-wrote the book „Starting a Revolution: What We Can Learn from Female Entrepreneurs about the Future of Business“ (Ullstein ECON) with Lisa Jaspers, which has since been published in German, English and Spanish. In 2022, Naomi and Lisa published the SPIEGEL bestseller „Unlearn Patriarchy“ (Ullstein). Naomi contributed to the book by writing the chapter on „Unlearn Power“, drawing on her experiences as a founder.

Picture Credit: Naomi Ryland/Thulani Hose-Simantov

Dr Yanick Kemayou is the founder of Kabakoo Academies, a pan-African network of creative and technical education centres.

He came to Germany from Cameroon at the age of 18 to study at the University of Paderborn. Thanks to several scholarships, he went on to study at the Beijing Institute of Technology and the German-Chinese Postgraduate College at Tongji University in Shanghai.

He completed his doctoral training at HEC Paris and at the University of Paderborn, where he graduated with distinction in economics.

„Don’t assume that you won’t experience burnout.“

„Don’t assume that you won’t experience burnout.“

Merle Becker

Naomi Ryland about leadership, humanity and self-reflection.

In a world beset by numerous crises, the manner in which we carry out our work and conduct business must be reevaluated. This begins with leadership and organisational structures. Naomi Ryland has taken on this challenge. As a founder, speaker, author, and revolutionary, Naomi states: „Our days of aspiring to fit into a start-up world – and an​ ​economic system – that is so severely broken are well and truly over.”
I engaged in conversation with her regarding social and economic transformation, innovative leadership, and personal energy.

This interview was conducted in German and translated by the interviewer into English.

Prior to establishing your own social enterprise tbd*, you were employed in the non-profit sector. What prompted you to make the decision to venture into self-employment?

I came to the realization early on that I do not relish the prospect of having a conventional supervisor. tbd* eventually came into existence because we could not find a platform like it and decided to create one ourselves. We reasoned, „If no one else will do it, then we shall do it ourselves.“ Many individuals in our network had already started their own businesses – particularly men – so the notion of starting a business was no longer intimidating for us. We thought, „If our friends can do it, surely we can too.“
We started with a Facebook group. We initially scoured job listings on charity websites and shared them within the group. In a short period of time, we amassed several thousand group members, as the demand was evidently high. And from there, it took off.

Was self-employment always your intended career path, or did you happen upon it by chance?

I found the way of collaborating within traditional hierarchies to be fundamentally challenging. However, the idea of self-employment was not something I had considered. My father was self-employed as a lawyer, but that is a completely different field. Self-employment was not something I had planned for, it simply occurred.

In „Starting a Revolution,“ you outline a vision for an economy without glass ceilings, discrimination, and with a greater emphasis on humanity. However, you also mention that this approach to work has not always been successful in your own company when you were in a leadership role. How do you address this issue at tbd* today

I am still associated with tbd*, but I am no longer actively involved in operations as an employee. Nonetheless, I still observe the company and the difference is palpable – the paramount priority is placed on humanity, above all else. Naturally, this approach also has its disadvantages; for instance, if the aim is to work as efficiently and profitably as possible, then this objective may not always be attained as effectively. However, everyone is encouraged to be transparent and admit when they are not performing well. No one should feel under undue pressure, and if they do, the team collaborates to determine what changes can be made to the system to ease the pressure.

 Are you currently holding a leadership position?

No, I am self-employed. I voluntarily relinquished my managerial role at tbd*, and the company transitioned to a self-organised structure. Following this transition, I was no longer the boss, nor were my co-founders. To this day, tbd* operates with a hierarchy based on competence. I wouldn’t want to return to a traditional management position as I can no longer support such a system. The idea that one can command others simply because of a certain status is no longer acceptable to me.

Is the ideal leadership style one where there is no leadership at all?

No, everyone should lead with a sense of self-responsibility and through collaboration.

Is it feasible for all companies to adopt a self-responsible and cooperative leadership style, or is it a requirement for them to be driven by a purpose?

From a systemic perspective, it would be ideal if jobs lacking a sense of purpose were done away with. This is because it is inherently unhealthy for individuals to work in a role in which they do not feel a sense of fulfilment. There are certain jobs, such as those of pilots, where a clear hierarchy is required for safety reasons. However, this type of leadership role should be based on competencies, rather than just one’s status. In many conventional companies, it is not always the most capable person who gives direction, which is a major issue that needs to be addressed.

You are a co-founder of SEND e. V. Do you consider social enterprises to be the solution?

I believe that social enterprises are a positive step towards change, but not the final destination. I too find myself confined by the current system, both externally and internally. Our prior experiences and learned behaviours in conducting business shape us and it is challenging to completely break away from that. External pressures can often lead us away from our own values. Though I have observed some progress from social enterprises, I believe that significant and systemic change can only be achieved through collaboration and cooperation among social enterprises, working together to break free from the current system.

Now, there are many companies and individuals who aspire to lead and be unique, but the next step is to bring these people together and consider what can be achieved through collaboration.

What would you have liked to have known ten years ago? What advice can you give to other impact-oriented entrepreneurs?

Coaching and therapy are paramount. Many founders set out to compensate for something or to attain status or validation from outside. This was the case for us as well. If these are part of the driving force, then it can be challenging to bring about genuine change. You remain ensnared within the system. Deep introspection and self-development are crucial aspects of social entrepreneurship, to remain steadfast in your values and mission, and to work as ego-free as possible.

Additionally, do not presume that you can continue at a fast pace without encountering burnout. No one I know has managed to avoid it. It’s almost inevitable. So, it’s best to be mindful of it right from the outset.

Would you say it’s feasible to launch a business without committing 150% from the outset? And to maintain a healthy balance from the start, or do you have to put in 150% at the beginning and then make sure to reel it in early enough?

It’s a matter of perspective. If giving 150% means pushing beyond one’s own limitations, then that is not advisable. Exceeding one’s limits can be dangerous and can have negative consequences. Energy levels are subjective and depend on various factors. It’s important to understand one’s own limits and strive to not exceed them from the start. Failing to do so may have detrimental effects in the long run.

Naomi Ryland<br />
Copyright: Thulani Hose-Simantov

Knowing that an increasing number of individuals are seeking purpose in their careers yet struggle to find it, Naomi, along with Nadia Boegli and Nicole Winchell, established tbd* in 2014. tbd* soon became Germany’s premier platform for careers imbued with significance.

Naomi was also involved in the founding of SEND e. V. in 2017. In 2019, she co-wrote the book „Starting a Revolution: What We Can Learn from Female Entrepreneurs about the Future of Business“ (Ullstein ECON) with Lisa Jaspers, which has since been published in German, English and Spanish. In 2022, Naomi and Lisa published the SPIEGEL bestseller „Unlearn Patriarchy“ (Ullstein). Naomi contributed to the book by writing the chapter on „Unlearn Power“, drawing on her experiences as a founder.

Picture Credit: Naomi Ryland/Thulani Hose-Simantov

How to work with Merle

How to work with Merle

Merle Becker

My Personal User Manual

In my workshops I like to let people write their personal user manual. But I have never done that myself. I would like to change that: Welcome to my user manual „How to work with Merle!


I am an experienced TV and event host as well as a workshop facilitator with an academic background in Peace and Conflict Resolution. I do have my focus on complex future issues with a special interest in sustainability – in German, English and French.

I am the founder of two NGOs (2009 and 2013) as well as of WERTSCHATZ Kommunikation (2018).

My Mission: To create sustainable visions for the future through facilitation, moderation and communication. By building a global community of future makers, walls are torn down and bridges are built – towards a socially just, sustainable future.

Some honest, unfiltered things about me

  • I am very purpose driven and have huge a desire to make a difference.
  • I float in possibility and am most motivated when I connect dots/people/resources that turn challenges into opportunities.
  • I am a generalist: I absorb new information and connect it with existing information. In doing so, I attach less importance to details than to the big picture.
  • I have very high expectations of myself – but also of others. I believe in giving people freedom and flexibility and equipping them with the tools they need to discover and develop their potential. But that also means I expect a lot personal responsibility.
  • I’m obsessed with efficiency.
  • I do not believe in a 8 h/day and 5 days/week-work schedule when it comes to knowledge work as well as creative work. For me it is often way more effective to work for a shorter time, but in a more concentrated and productive way. Or to think about certain topics outside of traditional working hours (like when running).
  • I most enjoy working at pace, with lots going on. Conversely, I lose energy in long-turnaround times/ extended deadlines where there is no sense of urgency.
  • I love to question the status quo and I get energy from thinking about how we could do things differently. This can make me seem impatient.

My strengths

  • Networking and enabling people to interact more effectively are what I do best. Please introduce me to your network – I will do the same for you.
  • I am always full of ideas for a better future, better events and projects. I thrive in situations where I can advocate an entirely new approach. Feel free to always contact me for a brainstorming or sparring session.
  • I love to communicate empathically with a focus on inclusion: My strength lies in building better communications with others.
  • I am a generalist with a lot of knowledge from very different fields that I love to connect to get a bigger picture. I relish taking responsibility for promoting new routes.

I’m at my best

  • When I’m trying to solve a challenging problem with other people I trust and admire
  • In the morning (I often find it harder to concentrate in the afternoon)
  • When preparing for events: Alone in a peaceful environment
  • At events: When having a place of retreat, good technic and a trustworthy communication with the organisers

That drives me nuts…

  • People putting their interests over our collective ones. I always think in terms of community.
  • People who don’t value the time of their fellow human beings and are unpunctual, or schedule overlong meetings with people who don’t actually need to be present. Let’s get to the point and be punctual.
  • Overlong discussions and analyses. I focus on solutions and actions.
  • Making excuses or blaming others.
  • Finding problems and not taking responsibility for finding solutions.
  • People holding back ideas, trying to perfect things, rather than engaging early for thoughts and feedback.
  • People who simply write the message in the subject of the email and not in the actual text field. Please take 30 seconds to be respectful.
  • Professional people acting like victims of change and not seeing & using their own power and agency to lead change.

My quirks

  • I can worry about my reputation and brand a lot.
  • When I don’t exercise I can get grumpy.
  • I don’t like to be in meetings where I’m not needed at all.
  • I don’t like being called on the phone unprepared. Please write me an email beforehand.
  • On stage and in meetings I am in the role of someone extroverted. In real life, however, I am actually shy. Sometimes it’s difficult for me to connect with people and I come across as arrogant. Please understand that this is just my introverted streak. Please talk to me anyway, I’m happy about it!
  • I need time for myself every now and then. That may lead to me canceling team lunches and the like sometimes. Please keep inviting me anyway, when my batteries are recharged I’m very happy to be there.
  • I may sometimes seem unfriendly or offended, but it is most likely just stress. Please get in touch with me whenever I offended or annoyed you. I am like a Labrador and really do not want to offend anyone – let’s talk.

How I communicate

  • Phone: Please do not call spontaneously. I am usually in meetings, on stage or concentrating on texts and research. Write a short email and we’ll make an appointment. Or book one here.
  • Zoom: I’m happy to talk to you via ZOOM, but think about whether you can do it by email first. I am also happy about a regular Jour Fix, so that the personal connection does not come too short. In general, I appreciate working asynchrony.
  • Mail: I take the time to structure my communication to help the reader/listener understand as easily as possible, and I appreciate it when others do the same. E.g. using lists and bolded words in emails, and spending a couple of minutes to redraft any piece of communication longer than one or two sentences. Set the subject header to something descriptive. Start the email by telling me what the email is about. Only then go into details. Don’t mix separate topics in the same email, it is perfectly fine to send two emails at almost the same time.

Some fun facts

  • I am a groupie. When I love music, films or people, I do this completely and eternally. I spent a lot of time waiting for stars at the rear entrance of concert halls at nights in my 20s.
  • I know everything about Amy Winehouse and Alicia Keys (feel free to challenge me)
  • Music is my life and I do listen to a broad spectrum from Funk and Soul to Hip Hop and R&B over Folk and Rock to classic Pop.
  • I used to be a (more or less) professional actress
  • I used to be a licensed personal sports coach.
  • I run a semi-marathon in less than two hours
  • I have seen all the King of Queens – seasons (several times)
  • I am a geek for popular media science and do have a faible for analyzing, discussing and comparing gender roles in movies.
  • I only have 9,5 fingers, because I lost half a finger in an accident when I was 11.

Connect with me here

5 Gründe, warum virtuelle Events die bessere Wahl sind

5 Gründe, warum virtuelle Events die bessere Wahl sind

Und wieder war mein Kalender im September voll mit Buchungen. Ich sollte eine Vielzahl von Events moderieren – in Präsenz natürlich. Doch nun, Ende August, kommen die Änderungswünsche rein. Einige der Events wurden ganz abgesagt, andere notdürftig ins Digitale verschoben und wieder andere sollen nun mit viel Abstand und gänzlich ohne agile Methoden stattfinden. Corona machte den Veranstaltungsplaner:innen einen Strich durch die Rechnung. Das ist sehr schade, weil es so nicht hätte sein müssen. Veranstaltungen, die von vornherein digital oder hybrid geplant werden, sind nämlich oft die besseren Events.

Hier sind fünf Gründe, wieso das so ist:

1. Echte Teilhabe wird ermöglicht
Als Mutter von zwei kleinen Kindern kann ich leider viel zu oft an Präsenz-Veranstaltungen nicht teilnehmen. Ich schätze deshalb die Möglichkeit, digital hinzuzustoßen. Dabei spare ich mir jede Menge Babysitter:innen und kann entspannt abends von zu Hause aus mitmachen, wenn meine Kinder schlafen.
Aber auch Menschen, die mit körperlichen Einschränkungen leben, können sich digital viel leichter zuschalten. Auch finanziell ist es günstiger, sich über ZOOM, Teams oder Webex einzuloggen, als das Zugticket nach Berlin zu finanzieren.
Wer Online-Events plant und anbietet, ermöglicht es viel mehr Interessierten, dabei zu sein – und wird natürlich auch von viel mehr Menschen gehört.

2. Die Zielgruppe wird vergrößert
Wer sich auf den Weg zu einem Veranstaltungsort macht, der muss schon großes Interesse an dem Event haben. Wenn ich mir nicht ganz sicher bin, ob das Thema mich absolut reizt, dann nehme ich den Aufwand nicht auf mich. Anders ist das bei digitalen Angeboten: Hier schalte ich mich schnell mal dazu und gucke dann, ob die Veranstalter:innen meine Aufmerksamkeit halten können oder nicht. Digitale Events bieten also ein großes Potenzial, um neue Menschen zu erreichen und von sich zu überzeugen.
Auch Ländergrenzen sind nun kein Problem mehr. Ich habe im vergangenen Jahr viele Veranstaltungen moderiert, bei denen sich Menschen aus den USA, der Türkei und sogar Gambia zugeschaltet haben. Ich wette, dass diese bei einem Event in Frankfurt oder Berlin nicht dabei gewesen wären.

3. Ressourcen werden geschont
Greenpeace hat eine Studie dazu veröffentlich, dass durch die Corona-Pandemie in den ersten Monaten tatsächlich weniger CO2 auf den Straßen ausgestoßen wurde. Und auch ich sehe in meinem Umfeld, dass immer weniger Menschen für jedes kleine Meeting mit Auto, Zug und Flugzeug durch die Gegend gefahren oder geflogen sind. Das schont Unmengen an Ressourcen! Wenn wir die Klimakrise angehen wollen, sollten wir uns über jede Reise doppelt Gedanken machen. Schön, wenn wir viele Menschen auch einfach digital erreichen können.

Auch finanzielle Ressourcen werden dadurch übrigens geschont: Sie sparen sich Räumlichkeiten, Reisekosten und Catering. Stattdessen sollten Sie in eine gute Moderation, die richtige Technik und ein passendes Care-Paket investieren – Sie werden trotzdem Gelder sparen.

4. Die pandemische Lage wird mitgedacht
Ich empfinde es als Risiko, eine Veranstaltung auf gut Glück rein analog zu planen. Es werden Gelder für Räumlichkeiten, Catering, Technik und Co ausgegeben. All das will geplant und finanziert werden. Und dann? Dann steigen plötzlich die Infektionszahlen wieder und Regelungen werden verschärft. Nun kann man natürlich auf Abstand und mit Maske auch Events durchführen, doch wird es hier sicherlich keinen gelungenen Austausch, ein entspanntes Kennenlernen und agile Methoden geben. Ich bin deshalb der Meinung: Planen Sie am besten gleich digital oder zu mindestens Hybrid. Dann gehen Sie auf Nummer sicher.

5. Methodische Vielfalt ist möglich
Wer jetzt denkt: „Oh nein, im Digitalen können wir uns nicht so gut austauschen und begegnen“, der täuscht sich gewaltig. Mit den richtigen Methoden und Tools sowie einer guten Moderation kann auch digital ganz menschlich und nah zusammengearbeitet werden. Ein paar Tipps finden Sie hier. Doch auch digitale Veranstaltungen benötigen die richtige Planung und zeitlichen Vorlauf.

Deshalb ist mein Tipp: Planen Sie gleich digital oder hybrid – Sie sorgen für niedrigschwellige Teilhabe, ermöglichen ortsunabhängige Mitmachoptionen und schonen Ressourcen!


Zwischen den Zeilen

Zwischen den Zeilen

Wie Achtsame Kommunikation zum Erfolg zivilgesellschaftlicher Initiativen beiträgt

Und wieder führte die erst angeregte Diskussion zu mehr Streit denn konstruktiver Einigung. Da kommen engagierte und motivierte Menschen zusammen, um gemeinsam in einem Projekt, einer Initiative oder sozialen Bewegung etwas Wesentliches zu verändern und was passiert? Zermürbendes Hin-und-Her und blockierende Dynamiken. Im besten Fall Missmut oder Frustration und im schlimmsten Falle eine Trennung des gemeinsamen Wirkens. Das ist nicht nur ärgerlich und enttäuschend, es macht traurig. Denn da ging es um etwas.

Eine neue Gesprächskultur wagen

Im Folgenden will ich den Ansatz vorstellen, wie Gewaltfreie Kommunikation den Bestand und Erfolg zivilgesellschaftlicher Initiativen unterstützen kann. Und – auch wenn es zunächst ungewöhnlich anmuten mag – inwiefern eine Kultur der Achtsamkeit für eine diskurs- und handlungsorientierte Zusammenarbeit sinnvoll ist.

Schlammschlacht-Dynamik oder rationale Debatten?

Zwischenmenschliche Konflikte gibt es einfach und sie machen auch vor gemeinnützigen Projekten und sozialen Bewegungen mit den engagiertesten Absichten nicht Halt. Die Frage ist vielmehr, wie man ihnen begegnet. Eine mehr oder weniger offen emotionale Schlammschlacht-Dynamik auf eine rationale Debattierebene zu heben funktioniert manchmal, aber nicht immer (und selten langfristig). 

Oftmals kommen Unstimmigkeiten in Prozessen der Entscheidungsfindung hervor, aber auch in inhaltlichen Diskussionen kann sich gerne mal eine Streitdynamik entwickeln, in der sich dann einfach die “stärkere”, lautere Person durchsetzt. Die Momente und Faktoren der eigenen Gruppe zu kennen, in denen es öfter hochkocht, hilft dabei, passende lösungsorientierte Alternativen zu finden.

Gesprächsführung geeignet strukturieren

Achtsame Kommunikation in NGOs

Im ersten Schritt ist zu überlegen, wie die Gesprächsführung anders strukturiert werden kann, um auch bei starken Kontroversen geordnete Diskussionen zu ermöglichen. Und um die einzelnen Stimmen ohne Hervorhebungen nebeneinander hören zu können (Stichwort Redegegenstand, Redezeit, Handzeichen, Moderation oder Ähnliches). 

Womöglich ließen sich auch die Abstimmungstools hinterfragen, um besser geeignete Alternativen zu finden. Meiner Erfahrung nach wirken auch Redekreise, also Besprechungen in Kreisform, erstaunlich anders als um einen Tisch oder in Reihen. Mit den Rahmenbedingungen lässt sich gut experimentieren, um herauszufinden, was die Gruppe braucht, um konstruktiv zusammenzuarbeiten. 

Worüber es sich (auch) zu sprechen lohnt

So wesentlich Rahmengebung und geeignete Tools sind, reichen diese Überlegungen manchmal nicht aus. Darüber hinaus stellt sich eine andere Frage: Worüber sprecht ihr genau, welche Ebenen der Zusammenarbeit werden tatsächlich adressiert, welchen allzu menschlichen Themen wird Raum eingeräumt und welchen nicht? 

Selbstredend steht im Kontext eines gemeinsamen sozialen Engagements für eine bestimmte Sache die Einigung über sachliche, Vernunft basierte, gar intellektuelle Argumente im Vordergrund. Für viele engagierte Aktivist*innen zeichnet sich politische Arbeit gerade durch Kopfarbeit und theorieorientierte Debatten aus. 

Mit Herzblut für die Sache

Das Wesen von Konflikten ist ja aber nicht nur, dass Vorstellungen, Strategien oder Ziele divergieren, sondern dass sie emotional sind. Und die Motivation, die hinter persönlichem Engagement steht, ist das tatsächlich zumeist auch. Hinter den Überzeugungen stehen Leidenschaften. Mit der Theorie ist die Begeisterung dafür verwebt. 

Und diese Dinge – zwischen den Zeilen – bleiben ausgespart. Die Herzensebene wirkt zwar banal und verletzlich, ist jedoch entscheidend. Und kaum artikuliert.

Jede*r Einzelne legt ihr oder sein Herzblut in die Sache, ist mit Passion und aus voller Überzeugung involviert. Eine Kränkung passiert dort auch leichter, wo diese ganz nah am Eigenen liegt; wo es darum geht, sich damit zu verwirklichen. 

Und ist es da nicht umso erstaunlicher, dass genau diese persönliche Involviertheit mit Wünschen, Bedürfnissen und Gefühlen kaum Worte finden? 

Als würden sie der Sache einen Abbruch tun. Doch das Gegenteil ist der Fall.

Beachtete Emotionen befreien das Denken

Finden Emotionen und echte Bedürfnisse einen eigenverantwortlichen Ausdruck und bei den anderen Mitwirkenden Gehör, passiert etwas, das sich durchaus konstruktiv auf die weitere inhaltliche Zusammenarbeit auswirkt: 

Es klärt sich etwas. 

Knoten lösen sich, neue Perspektiven und ein anderes Verständnis der Dinge können entstehen. Allzumenschliche Empfindungen lassen sich tatsächlich leichter von der Sache unterscheiden, wenn sie direkt adressiert werden. Im besten Fall befreit es das gemeinsame Denken und gibt neue, wesentliche Impulse für weitere Aktivitäten.

Achtsamkeit ist politisch

Das Konzept der Achtsamkeit mag in diesem Kontext etwas ungewöhnlich anmuten. Meiner Erfahrung nach ist sie dabei weder unpolitisch, noch macht die Absicht der Wertfreiheit handlungsunfähig. 

Achtsame Kommunikation in zivilgesellschaftlichen Initiativen

Gerade in konflikthaften Situationen trägt eine innere Haltung von Offenheit, Unvoreingenommenheit, Aufmerksamkeit und Zugewandtheit dazu bei, der oder dem Anderen empathisch zu begegnen und damit im Gespräch zu bleiben. Manchmal braucht ein Gedanke Raum. 

Beides zu kennen ist wichtig, um bestmögliche Kompromisse, Lösungen und Einigungen zu schaffen.

Beides achtsam anzuerkennen gibt der gemeinsamen Handlungsfähigkeit neuen Antrieb, ohne dass Einzelne die eigene Position vernachlässigen müssten oder sich dazu gezwungen sähen, aus dem Projekt oder der Bewegung auszusteigen. 


Wie lässt sich das in der Praxis anwenden?

Egal, ob ein Projekt ganz am Anfang steht, oder ob es sich in einer konfliktbeladenen Krisensituation befindet: Setzt euch im Redekreis zusammen. Dabei geht es (noch) nicht um Inhalte, sondern um das jeweils persönliche und gemeinsame Wesentliche:

  • Was bringt dich zum Thema?
  • Was erwartest du dir von dem Projekt?
  • Was ist dir wichtig? 

Sich als Gruppe auf die gemeinsamen Werte und Visionen (Ziele) zu besinnen, ist weiterführend förderlich, um einer Sache wieder Aufwind zu geben. Erarbeitet diese gemeinsam, sollten sie noch nicht definiert worden sein. 

Dieser Fokus auf das Gemeinsame schafft in zerbrechlichen Situationen wieder Verbundenheit und Zusammenhalt über das Individuelle hinaus. Es stärkt die Motivation und schärft den Blick wofür man bereit ist, Kompromisse einzugehen.

Gewaltfreie Kommunikation beugt Konflikten vor

Das Modell der Gewaltfreien Kommunikation (GFK) eignet sich dafür, euch – abseits der meinungsbildenden Debatte – achtsam über das persönliche emotionale Erleben in Bezug auf spezifische problemhafte Themen auszutauschen. Basis der GFK nach Marshall Rosenberg ist die oben erwähnte Empathie dem oder der Anderen gegenüber. Außerdem gilt es, eigenverantwortlich für eigene Gefühle, Bedürfnisse und Ich-Formulierungen zu bleiben. 

Das Modell besteht aus 4 Schritten:

Achtsame Kommunikation in Initiativen

  1. Beschreibe (wertfrei) eine konkrete Beobachtung (Sinneswahrnehmung), die dein Wohlbefinden beeinträchtigt. 
  2. Drücke dein Gefühl aus, das dadurch ausgelöst wird (Ich-Aussage).
  3. Benenne dein hinter dem Gefühl liegendes Bedürfnis (etwas, das du brauchst und unerfüllt ist; Ich-Aussage).
  4. Formuliere eine handlungsorientierte konkrete Bitte und beachte, dass die*der Andere frei ist, dies nicht zu erfüllen (es ist ein Wunsch, keine Forderung).


Anschließend kann die*der Andere in ebendieser Weise das Eigene ausdrücken. Eine Einigung gelingt somit durch ein besseres gegenseitiges Verständnis für das, was hinter saloppen Äußerungen, Handlungen und Verhaltensweisen liegt. 

Achtsame Kommunikation ist sicher kein Universalmittel. Aber ich bin überzeugt, dass sie es vermag, genauso im Kontext zivilgesellschaftlichen Engagements und sozialer Bewegungen Beziehungen positiv zu fördern. Denn gerade persönliche Verbundenheit schafft eine gelingende Zusammenarbeit und stärkeren Zusammenhalt für die gemeinsame Sache. Einen Versuch ist es wert.

Möchtest du noch genauer wissen, worauf es bei Achtsamer Kommunikation ankommt? Willst du für dich klären, wo du in Bezug auf das achtsame Kommunizieren stehst und wo du am besten ansetzen kannst, um Gespräche gewaltfrei verlaufen zu lassen? Dann hole dir direkt meine kostenfreie Infografik & Checkliste (PDF-Datei).

Anna Kromer

Mag.a Anna Kromer hat Medienwissenschaft studiert und ist als Kommunikationstrainerin und Coach in freier Praxis in Wien sowie online tätig. Sie begleitet Frauen* dabei, eigene Strategien zu entwickeln, um Konfliktmomente gut zu meistern. Schwerpunkte sind u. a. der Umgang mit Emotionen, die Lösung von Konfliktdynamiken und Entwicklung von Selbstsicherheit im Gespräch. Basis für ihre Arbeit ist die Gewaltfreie Kommunikation (n. M. Rosenberg).

Anna Kromer im Internet:

Nennt die Dinge beim Namen

Nennt die Dinge beim Namen

Wieso „Anti-Corona-Demos“ keine sind

In Zeiten, in denen Trauermärsche nach rechtsterroristischen Attentaten nicht stattfinden dürfen, schützt der Staat Demonstrationen sogenannter Covidioten. Was für ein Wort! Diese Menschen sind keine Idioten, sondern Demokratie gefährdende, mit Rechtsextremen verbündete Egoisten. Sie sagen, sie hätten Angst um ihre Freiheit und bringen dabei das Leben so vieler Menschen wissentlich in Gefahr.
Das Video einer gewissen Jana aus Kassel macht mich nicht nur sprachlos, sondern wütend. Sich mit Menschen wie Sophie Scholl und Anne Frank zu vergleichen, während man staatlich geschützt auf einer professionellen Bühne steht, obwohl man sich nicht an gesetzliche Regelungen hält, hinkt nicht einfach nur. Nein, es verharmlost den Holocaust.
2020 hat so einige Überraschungen für uns parat. Und vor allem zeigt es uns die hässliche Fratze rechter, verschwörungstheoretischer Strömungen, die leider und offensichtlich in der Mitte unserer Gesellschaft angekommen sind. Das sind keine „Anti-Corona-Demos“, denn gegen Corona sind wir doch alle, oder?

Und dies ist keine Erbsenzählerei, denn das Wording ist wichtig! Lasst uns die Dinge beim Namen nennen!

Abstruse Verschwörungstheorien werden durch die Menschen und ihren Platz in den Medien salonfähig gemacht. Das sind keine Spinner, die wir weg lachen können, denn Ihr Einfluss auf die Gesellschaft und auf unser Denken ist einfach zu groß dafür. Sie befinden sich nicht am Rande, sondern in der Mitte unserer Gesellschaft. In Deutschland, den USA und in vielen anderen Ländern dieser Welt.

Durch Bezeichnungen wie „Anti-Corona-Demos“, „besorgte Bürger“ und „Covidioten“ verharmlosen wir Menschen, die sich offensichtlich gegen unsere demokratische Grundordnung stellen. Menschen, die unglaubliche Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit klein reden, von einer nicht vorhandenen Impflicht faseln und vor allem an eines denken: sich selbst. Es sind Menschen, die sich selbst vielleicht nicht als Rechtsextrem einstufen, jedoch kein Problem damit haben, fröhlich neben Hitlergruß-zeigenden Menschen zu demonstrieren.

Und was hat schon Martin Luther King, Jr. gesagt?

„He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it.“
Martin Luther King, Jr.

Worte prägen unsere Wahrnehmung.
Bleibt nicht still, sondern nennt die Dinge beim Namen!

Dinge, die die Welt nicht braucht. Oder: Was ist nachhaltiger Konsum?

Dinge, die die Welt nicht braucht. Oder: Was ist nachhaltiger Konsum?

Wir leben über unsere Verhältnisse. Die menschliche Nachfrage nach den irdischen Ressourcen übersteigt das Angebot. Diese Übernutzung hat bekannte Folgen: abgeholzte Regenwälder, Verschmutzung von Böden und Gewässern, dezimierte Fischbestände und Artenvielfalt sowie Wasserknappheit in vielen Ländern. Insbesondere reiche Länder sind für Klimakatastrophen und Armut verantwortlich. Durch die globale Beschaffenheit von Lieferketten beziehungsweise Wertschöpfungsketten wirkt sich unser Konsum im Globalen Norden auch auf Menschen und Ökologie im Globalen Süden aus. Ein neues T-Shirt für 5 €, neue Sneaker für 30 €? Nehmen wir! Auf Kosten anderer!

Glückshormone beim Konsum

„Leider“ begeistert uns Einkaufen kurzfristig, setzt sogar Glücksstoffe frei und macht somit Spaß. Das Belohnungssystem wird angeregt und wir sind zufrieden. Doch was passiert langfristig? 
Nachhaltig glücklich macht materieller Konsum nicht. Wir vergleichen uns mit anderen. Dadurch entsteht Neid und daraus schließlich Konkurrenzdruck. Werbung, Social Media und der Kapitalismus wecken ständig neue Bedürfnisse. Uns wird signalisiert, wenn wir so aussehen, wenn wir das neue Handy haben, dann sind wir vollkommen zufrieden. Wir generieren soziale Anerkennung durch sozialen Status. Wir versprechen uns bewusst und unbewusst Zugehörigkeit, Anerkennung oder Abgrenzung. Wir sind in einer Gesellschaft aufgewachsen, in welcher wir durch Besitz und Geld unseren Wohlstand zur Schau stellen. 

Die Hypothese: Erfolg = Geld = Besitz = Glück!

So kann jeder sehen, was für erfolgreiche Menschen wir doch sind.

Was bedeutet nachhaltiger Konsum?

In Abgrenzung dazu wird immer mehr zu nachhaltigem Konsum aufgerufen. Insbesondere bedeutet das, dass wir bewusst konsumieren. Nicht aus Langeweile, als Aufmunterung oder aufgrund von Schnäppchen oder Angeboten, sondern nur aus dem wirklichen Bedürfnis heraus, dass wir die Winterschuhe, das Tablet oder den Kochtopf wirklich brauchen. Natürlich lässt sich das auf jeglichen Bereich ausweiten. Müssen wir sieben Mal die Woche und am besten noch morgens, mittags und abends Fleisch zu uns nehmen? Klares Nein. Das schadet nicht nur der Umwelt, den Tieren, sondern auch uns und unserer Gesundheit. Ok, also kaufen wir fair, biologisch, saisonal und regional und möglichst gebrauchte Dinge in Second-Hand-Läden ein, dann ist doch alles in Ordnung.


Bewusster Verzicht: Brauche ich das? 

Fest steht: Wir dürfen nicht so weiter machen wie bisher. Wir sollten bewusst konsumieren und insgesamt weniger verbrauchen. Das gilt auch für nachhaltig produzierte Güter! Sind die Winterschuhe vom letzten Jahr noch gut? Oder benötigen sie nur eine neue Sohle? Davon mal abgesehen, dass es auch eine Kostenfrage ist – wie wäre es, wenn wir lieber ausgesuchte, qualitativ hochwertige, anstatt viele günstige und billig produzierte Gegenstände hätten? Und noch eine andere Frage: Müssen wir all die Teile, die wir auch nur ein paar Mal im Jahr benötigen, auch besitzen? Ist es wirklich nötig, dass mein Bücherregal voll ist mit tollen Büchern, die ich allerdings zugegebenermaßen maximal zweimal lese? Eine Anmeldung in der Bücherei wäre sicher sinnvoller! Insbesondere solche Dinge, von denen wir nicht mal wissen, dass sie sich in unserem Besitz befinden, werden wir nicht vermissen. Und auch das kann ich nicht über alle meine Bücher sagen…

Wer weniger besitzt, hat mehr Platz, Zeit und auch Geld! Nicht umsonst ist Minimalismus in aller Munde. Welche Dinge sind überflüssig? Dieses Bewusstsein ist der ständige Begleiter.

Menschen in einem Einkaufszentrum. PC: Steve Buissinne auf Pixabay

Die Dinge, die wir wirklich mögen, behalten wir, die anderen kommen weg. Und ja, es geht um wirklich jeden Gegenstand. Töpfe, Stifte, Handtücher. Wir sollten uns jeden einzelnen Gegenstand anschauen und uns genau diese Frage stellen. Um nicht wieder Unmengen neuer Dinge anzuhäufen, kann man eine simple Regel anwenden: Kommt ein neues Teil, muss ein altes gehen.

Wohin mit den Dingen?

Und was mache ich dann mit dem ganzen Zeug? Nur in den seltensten Fällen ist die Mülltonne der richtige Weg. Hier ein paar Ideen:

  • Gibt es Verschenkläden, Sozialkaufhäuser oder Ähnliches in deiner Nähe? Häufig können selbst Dekomaterialien, Bücher und DVDs weggebracht und manchmal auch abgeholt werden.
  • Facebook-Gruppen, um Dinge zu verschenken, gibt es auch fast in jeder Stadt. 
  • Auch Flohmärkte, Kleiderkreisel oder Ebay-Kleinanzeigen sind gute Möglichkeiten. Informiere Dich, wie Deine Stadt aufgestellt ist!
  • Wichtig ist es auch, sich zu informieren, wo zum Beispiel defekte Elektrogeräte fachgerecht entsorgt werden, damit die wichtigen Rohstoffe noch weiter genutzt werden können.

Wie bleibe ich bei dem Lebensstil?

Es gibt tolle Möglichkeiten, weiterhin ein gutes Leben zu führen. Inzwischen gibt es viele Sharing-Communities oder auch Angebote in Geschäften. Es gibt Carsharing oder die geliehene Bohrmaschine von der Nachbarin, dem Vater oder aus dem Baumarkt. An Möglichkeiten mangelt es nicht. 

Haben das Lieblings-T-Shirt, die schöne graue Hose und das Paar Schuhe ein Loch? Ab zum Fachgeschäft, welches gerne repariert. Oder Du nähst es selbst.

Zudem gibt es in vielen Städten Repair-Cafés sowie spezielle Reparaturwerkstätten für beispielsweise Fahrräder, Computer oder Lampen. Dort findet man nicht nur das nötige Werkzeug, günstige Ersatzteile, sondern auch noch eine Beratung oder mündliche Anleitung obendrauf. So lernst du sogar noch neue Menschen kennen. Du bist kein „Menschentyp“? Youtube ist voll mit Reparaturanleitungen aller Art. 

Der Gewinn

Wir können unsere Zeit nicht vermehren, nur verdichten. Daraus resultiert ein Beschleunigungszwang, die Zeit vergeht schneller und ist knapper. Also lasst uns unsere kostbare Zeit nutzen und mehr Dinge mit unserer Familie und unseren Freunden machen. Lasst uns Geld in Erlebnisse investieren, denn nur die machen nachhaltig glücklich. 

Ein weiterer Gewinn: weniger Sorgen. Wer weniger hat, kann weniger verlieren. Wir müssen uns nicht um unser Auto sorgen, gegen das Chaos ankämpfen und sind freier. 

Und bringt genau das nicht Glück und Zufriedenheit? 


  • WWF International (2014): Living Planet Report 2014- Kurzfassung.
  • Paech, N. (2019): Befreiung vom Überfluss-Auf dem Weg in die Postwachstumsökonomie, 11. Aufl., oekom verlag: München

Über die Autorin

Iris Büßelmann ist Ökotrophologin, Masterstudentin im Fachbereich Ernährungs- und Verbraucherökonomie und Hebamme. Sie engagiert sich für einen bewussten und fairen Umgang mit unserer Umwelt. Nachhaltige Ernährung ist ihre Herzensangelegenheit. Seit April 2020 unterstützt sie Merle Becker bei Wertschatz Kommunikation.